Admin Commands

The following application commands allow administrators to perform certain actions on their instance, including installing, upgrading, or maintaining it.


These options can be used in conjunction with any other flags.

Flag Description
-c [filename] Config file to use with any other operation
--debug Output debug information in application logs
-h Output help for any command


Use these flags to perform certain actions as part of the setup process.

Command Description Interactive?
config start Start the configuration process Yes
keys generate Generate encryption keys No
db init Initialize the database by creating the necessary tables No

For example, run these commands in order to set up your instance:

writefreely config start
writefreely keys generate

Setup options

--config --sections="..."

You can optionally choose which configuration sections to walk through during the configuration process with the --sections flag. Values are space-separated and must be one of the following:

Example usage:

writefreely --config --sections="app db server"


These flags assist with upgrading an instance.

Command Description
db migrate Migrate database schema to the latest version

User administration

Use these flags to perform actions around users.

Command Description Interactive?
user create --admin [username]:[password] Create an admin user in the database. Fails if admin already exists. No
user create [username]:[password] Create a regular user in the database. Fails if no admin user exists yet. No
user reset-pass [username] Reset the given user's password Yes
user delete [username] Delete the given user, after confirming interactively Yes


Command Description
-v Print WriteFreely version information