
WriteFreely help is provided primarily by the community of writers, readers, and administrators using the software. We provide a space for questions and discussions on our forum, so that's the best place for getting assistance.

Questions About Using WriteFreely

You can get community support on our forum. Asking questions there in the open helps everyone save time by answering your questions once, in a place where anyone else can read them.

The team is present on the forum to answer basic questions involving the official install methods we support, project direction, etc. But we can't help with specialized installs or basic system administration for free. To get fast, in-depth help for your particular install, you can purchase support.

Reporting Issues

Please report issues with the software on the GitHub repository. We're very responsive there and work to keep open issues to a minimum, so please use it only for bug reports, and help us by following our guidelines.

Questions About Development

If you want to contribute to the project, the team is also available to answer your questions on the forum. First, be sure to check our Contributing Guide to see if it answers your question. Otherwise, you can start a discussion under the Development category.

Support Plans

We offer one-time and ongoing support for individuals and businesses that are self-hosting.